Happy National Wildflower Week
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The first full week in May is National Wildflower Week in the USA. This celebratory week was established in 1987 at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin. The week celebrates the beauty and significance of native wildflowers across … Read More

Monarch Butterfly
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— Recently I came upon a blog by a photographer named Denzil. He is based in Belgium, and the blog is simply called Denzil Nature. Nothing else is needed to describe what his blog is all about. In the blog, … Read More

Monarch or Queen Butterfly?
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— A couple of weeks ago, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center re-opened its doors for members only and with advance reservations. The process was perfectly tailored and safe for these COVID-19 times. Kudos to the Center! We took opportunity … Read More

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
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To conserve, restore and create healthy landscapes – That’s the mission of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Southwest Austin. Through innovative research, the center focuses on showing the beauty and usefulness of native plants in everyday life. It … Read More

Fragrant Fields: A Floral Fiesta for Flower Fans
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Lens-Artists Challenge #301 – Floral For this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Sofia (of Photographias) has a winning proposition to all her blog readers: “Let’s have a celebration of flowers.” What a more opportune time for those who live in the Northern … Read More

Floral Friday Frenzy: Celebrating Blooms & Pollinators!
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I have been taking more time to bike with this mild spring weather. As always, I bring my camera with me in my backpack. One never knows what one will see. This week was no exception for surprises. I spotted … Read More

The Beauty of Contrast: Bluebonnet and Texas Yellow Star
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Springtime in Texas is the season to be outside. The variety of wildflowers on display changes each week, with vibrant colors everywhere. This morning, while on a photo shoot with a friend, we visited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. … Read More

Painted Lady
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In September 2021, we spent a few days in the Ruidoso, New Mexico, area. Besides hiking around the area, we also did some sightseeing in other places. On the day we went to White Sands NP, we noticed a beautiful … Read More

Yellow’s Positive Energy
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— I am slowly trying to catch up with previous Nature Photo Challenges that Denzil’s Nature blog features every week on average. Last spring, he challenged us “to paint the internet yellow.” The theme was related to spring colors, as … Read More

Asymmetry Everywhere
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— After last week’s Lens-Artists‘ challenge on symmetry, this week the challenge was asymmetry in photography. Donna’s challenge was beautifully proposed in an eye-catching gallery illustrating good examples of asymmetry. Asymmetrical balance in photography is easier found than one would … Read More

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