Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi
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— To define unique here would be redundant or unnecessary. There are definitions in dictionaries, but for the most part, a lot of people have their personal definitions of uniqueness. For some people, unique means something one of a kind … Read More

Assisi Morning
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— Back in 2012 we spent a few weeks in Italy. Although we enjoyed every city we visited, there was just something very special about Assisi. We cannot pinpoint what it was. There was the Basilica, Rocca Maggiori, and the … Read More

Umbria Countryside in Assisi
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If I had to pick only one of several beautiful cities in Italy, I think it would have to be Assisi. There is truly something mythical and magical about Assisi. Whether visiting the Basilica di San Francesco or simply admiring … Read More

A Countryside Like No Other
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— The current COVID-19 world pandemic caused us not enjoy this scenery again a couple of months ago. What you see above is the breathtaking countryside just outside Assisi, Italy. This is the Umbria region. I made this photo from … Read More

Convent of St. Francis of Olinda
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A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Olinda is located just minutes from Recife, Pernambuco, in northeast Brazil. Founded in 1535, and a symbol of the sugar cane wealth in Brazil, the city contains several Baroque churches and monuments and is known … Read More

St. Francis and the Cardinal
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— The simple beauty of a cardinal in our backyard taking a break on St. Francis’ statue was a peaceful moment I was able to capture just moments ago. Is it nature imitating art or the other way around? If you’re … Read More

Umbria Dream
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— Of the cities we visited while traveling through Italy a few years ago, Assisi was an unexpected dream come true. We thought that visiting the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi and his birth place would be enough. Little … Read More

San Francisco de Asis Mission Church
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— When visiting Taos, New Mexico, one should always plan to drive to the San Francisco de Asis Mission Church. A National Historic Landmark and World Heritage Church, the church was built between 1772 and 1816 by the Franciscans who lived … Read More

Rocca Maggiore
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— Rocca Maggiore is an old fortress built around 1360 in the beautiful city of Assisi, birthplace of St. Francis, in Italy. If the castle looks familiar to you, it is likely because it was used in Franco Zeffirelli’s 1972 … Read More