Casa Grande

Casa Grande

I am unsure whether those wispy clouds and the Casa Grande peak views were responsible for getting my attention. In December 2021, we visited Big Bend NP and had a lodge room in the Emory Peak section. In front of us, a small patch of grass and trees was frequently visited by a deer family every afternoon. Furthermore, whenever we sat on the porch in front of our room, the view to our right was the Casa Grande peak. As often we have stayed at the Chisos Lodge, this was a new view of the mountain for me.

Because of its central location right near the lodge area and the Chisos campground, Casa Grande dominates the view. It is one prominent view for any traveler coming up to the Chisos Basin. Unfortunately, there is no designated trail leading to the top of this peak. There are two routes that some intrepid users take to get to Casa Grande’s summit. They are very steep and also involve some bushwhacking through dense vegetation.

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