Sunset Heaven

Overlook at Skyline Drive

— In March 2022 we revisited Davis Mountains SP. As one of our favorite destinations in Texas, the park offers unparalleled views on Skyline Drive and various trails throughout the park. Since the distance from Austin to the park is manageable in less than a day’s drive, we were able to get to the park with ample time to drive up to the top of Skyline Drive and experience our first sunset while at the park.

Composing the shot above proved to be a bit more challenging than I had anticipated. I had to position myself in such a way that I would not include a car that was parked just to the left of that tree you see here. The location was crucial for my vision of the scene because I wanted the foreground to somewhat mimic the same lines you see in the clouds above. In other words, I wanted the rocks in the foreground and clouds to lead your eyes to the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) overlook structure you see in the photo. More about the history of the CCC can be found in this posting.

Sunset on Skyline Drive

Whenever I talk with someone about this park, one thing I emphasize is at least one visit to Skyline Drive. Multiple visits are better, but if you’re short on time, you need to make it up there for a sunset experience like no other. During this year’s visits, we had different views and sunsets. One day, the view above was covered by dust. On our second day in the park, a dust storm blew in and covered the entire area. Nothing was visible beyond the center section of the photo above. Luckily on other days, we were able to enjoy the beauty of the Davis Mountains just the way you see in these photos (just click on an image for its full-size rendering).

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