Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve

Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve

— Located in southwest Austin, Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve is an oasis in the middle of the city. Just minutes from downtown, this preserve can make you feel like you are miles from traffic. When you couple that with recent rains in the area, the scenery is very lush.

A couple of weeks ago I set to try to photograph a waterfall in southwest Austin. I should have known that a Sunday is never a good day to go after waterfalls, especially when it is hot outside. I ended up having to switch plans on the spot and go somewhere else. Luck would have it that when I got to the Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve, mine was only one of three cars in the parking lot. Bingo! I hiked and photographed to my heart’s content and only passed four people the whole afternoon. I was able to sit and enjoy these waterfalls and running water all by myself with no distractions. It immersed myself into nature and was surrounded by the sound of tranquil, rushing waters.

On this particular trip to the preserve, there were a couple of sections on the trails that I had to turn around because I couldn’t go across the creeks. They were running very full. Just take a look at the photo below and the video that I include here. It was all very peaceful to sit and absorb the sounds of running water.

Wild Basin waterfall

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