Above and Around

Lake Bastrop South Shore

— There are several reasons I like spending time at Lake Bastrop South Shore. One reason is its proximity to home. In just a short forty-five-minute drive, I can be walking surrounded by loblollies. Another reason is the tranquility this place offers. In all the years I’ve lived in Austin, Texas, I do not recall any time when these trails were busy. In fact, the last two times I went to Lake Bastrop South Shore and hiked some of its trails, I was the only person there the entire time. The photo above was made in early May 2020. Having these giant trees around and above me can offer all the tranquility one needs to escape a busy life in the city. This particular section seen above is on the 5-mile (8-km) hiking/biking trail that connects the north and south shores of Lake Bastrop. I only had to hike approximately 3 miles (4.8 km) to reach this area. With the sun creating a magic scene, it was easy to make this photo with a sunstar. The landscape is just as beautiful above as it is under your feet. As soon as the weather cools off a little, I think I will have to consider another trip to the park to absorb more of this tranquility.

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