
Condor in flight

— In planning a few weeks in Peru, we knew from the start that we would not be able to see and experience the entire country. After careful consideration, we chose to visit the main attractions south of Lima, including Arequipa, Puno, Lake Titicaca, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu, and other notable places. One thing we were really looking forward to seeing was condors in flight. So, in one of our trips to Chivay, we spent a morning at the Colca Valley, where condors are more common to be seen. In order to appreciate them in flight, we had to get to the overlook area by 9 AM. Once the morning air started to rise, so did the condors. The Andean Condor has a few unusual characteristics. Although it is the national animal of Colombia, it can be found in other South American countries, such as Peru. The Andean Condor is the largest raptor in the world, with a wingspan over 10 feet (3 meters). A grown adult can weigh around 33 pounds (15 kg) and be nearly 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall. Its life average lasts around 50 years of age. Capturing the video below was pure fate. We had already seen these beautiful birds flying around and were waiting for our group to come back to a designated area where our bus would pick us up. While waiting, I noticed a condor come to this rock far away. I began filming the scene, and that is what you see below.

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