O, What a Tangled Web…

Spider web

“O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!”
[Walter Scott]

— I could barely believe the size of that spiderweb — and spider! (see below) — as we were hiking in the Big Thicket Preserve in October 2018. This was the same time we visited Martin Dies, Jr. SP. One afternoon we decided to visit the preserve and check out some of its trails. We went to Beech Woods trail for our afternoon hike. There was no one else on that trail while we were there. Other than the lush vegetation, the one thing that caught our attention was that spiderweb. In fact, we almost ran into it. I’m glad we did not! So, when we were coming back, I made sure to stop and capture a few shots of this intricate work without disrupting its resident. Beech Woods trail is a short trail, just about 1.5 miles (2.5 km) and no elevation.


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