Copperfield Pond

Copperfield Pond

— On a mid-November cool fall day, I decided to go for a short walk in my neighborhood park, Copperfield Nature Trail. It was a beautiful, cool, sunny day with plenty of light and shadows. Coupled with that was the fact there was no one around the area. I was able to walk around and get several shots near the nature trail pond without any distractions. Considering all the shadows from the trees around me, I decided this particular shot would be a prime candidate for a series of bracketed images in order to maximize my capturing all the subtleties of the scene. Far in the distance, the trees were showing a rich and vibrant mixture of fall foliage. On the left-hand side of the photo, though, fall colors were not evident at all. Combined with all of that, we have the quiet pond waters reflecting the blue skies above. I wish the photo could project the coolness in the air as I felt it. I did enjoy this quiet scene and sat on that bench for a few minutes. Life is grand!

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