Bright Angel Point

Bright Angel Point

Bright Angel Point at the Grand Canyon NP, North Rim, is a spectacular canyon viewpoint. This is one of those spots where you don’t even have to hike anywhere to see such a view. There are lounge chairs set along the patio area of the Grand Canyon Lodge, and even dinner can be served on the patio so you can enjoy beautiful sunsets. If you want, you can walk down a bit and get to that overlook point shown on the lower right-hand corner (you can see the trail and some viewers). The trail is only 0.4 miles (0.6 km) in length. At this point of the park, you are approximately at 8,148 ft (2,484 m) in elevation. We were lucky to have been there a few times during this visit, including a couple of days with thick rain clouds looming in the horizon.

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