Bison Herd

Bison herd

— When we first drove into the North Rim of the Grand Canyon on Highway 67, we noticed a sign warning about bison on the road. We were in very wide and open area of the highway and could see for miles. No signs of bison, though. However, as soon as we entered the park, there was another sign for bison on the road. Just like clockwork, this time the herd appeared as soon as we turned a curve. It was a very large herd grazing and resting on open fields. This happened two days in a row on the very same spot. At the end of the second day, as we were returning to our lodge, it was already getting dark. After a curve, far in the distance I noticed several black spots. This time they were on the road as well as on the fields. We stopped far from the herd to allow them their space. However, we were at a much narrower section of the road, contrary to what you see in the photo above. To our discomfort and concern, the bison were headed our way. What happened next is shown in the video below. It was too close for comfort. Since the bison were coming towards us, we began moving very slowly keeping an eye out for the young ones. Those were not sure where they wanted to go. In the video you can actually hear them as they passed our car. They were right by the road. When a bison appeared to charge our direction, I inevitably said “Oh, my God!” Luckily, it changed directions.

Female and calf
Female and calf

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