Puerta Chilicote Loop

— Here we are starting our hike along the Puerta Chilicote Loop. This is lightly trafficked trails looping approximately 5.4 miles. As always, trails in Big Bend Ranch SP are not always easy to follow, especially when there’s not much traffic. A hiker must bring a map and, preferably, a GPS device to make sure one does not get lost. There are also cairns strategically placed along the trail. You should always keep looking ahead for the next cairn once you get to one. Our intent on this hike was to get to the Fresno Canyon west rim overlook. Unfortunately, we ran out of time. We did make it to a small canyon, but not the big Fresno Canyon. Nevertheless, we had amazing views of the flatirons on El Solitario as well as lots of wildflowers, such as the Yuccas in full bloom.

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