
Kayaking— On third morning at Martin Dies Jr. SP, my friends and I did some kayaking at Steinhagen Lake. For about three and a half hours, we circled one of the islands in the lake and enjoyed a quiet morning appreciating nature and wildlife. About an hour into the expedition, my kayak had a bit more water than I was comfortable with. So, we went to shore to get rid of the water. Luckily it did not appear I had a puncture in my inflatable kayak. In this shot, I am looking at the section we came from in the morning while kayaking. This is the view from the bridge (a sunset photo is here, too). The section beyond those trees was a tough section to navigate through. There were a lot of weeds in the water, and paddling was difficult at times. Thanks to one of my friends who was familiar with the paddling trail, we made it through. In these waters, our eyes were constantly looking for possible alligators. Luckily, none was seen.

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