Red-Tailed Hawk

Hawk— I have seen wildlife in my bike rides quite often, but they are often common birds, deer, turtles and snakes. A couple of days ago, I didn’t even have to be on my bike or outside to see this red-tailed hawk in the photo here. I had just got home from a short ride, and from our bedroom window I did a double take when I saw this magnificent bird on the fence. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I was upstairs and with no camera or even my cell phone to capture this shot. I rushed downstair to get a camera thinking the hawk would be gone by the time I got things ready. I made it back upstairs and began shooting. The window location was not ideal because of that windmill in the background. Then there was also the window screen playing with my focus adjustment. I was lucky I had time to take a few shots, but when I went back downstairs and tried to open the den door and screen very quietly, the hawk flew away.

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