Yanahuara Scenic Overlook

Yanahuara Scenic Overlook— Three years ago today, we were visiting the beautiful Peruvian city of Arequipa, known as the White City because several of its buildings are made with sillar, a white volcanic stone very common in the area. Located at an altitude of 7,628 ft (2,325 m) above sea level. Arequipa is Peru’s second largest city. It is beautifully located near three major volcanoes: Misti, Chachani, and Pichu Pichu. A visitor can get views of Arequipa from several locations, including the main cathedral. However, the Mirador (Overlook) Yanahuara offers an amazingly expansive view of the entire city before your eyes. Yanahuara is very close to Arequipa’s historical center. These arches were built in the 19th century and above each of them there are verses from famous local poets sharing inspiration and the philosophy of living of the people from Arequipa.

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