Stairway to Heaven

On the Alcove Trail
On the Alcove Trail

Happy 102nd anniversary to Bandelier National Monument! On February 11, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed legislation to establish Bandelier National Monument. That piece of legislation protected 33,000 acres of rugged land with a beautiful canyon and mesa country. Bandelier NM also preserves human history dating back over 11,000 years. The two shots here show us climbing the ladders up to the Alcove House, some 140 feet above the Frijole Canyon ground. It is a beautiful hike with an even more beautiful view once we reach the top. The Alcove House is shown in the upper right-hand corner of the photo above. Other views of the Alcove are also shown on this site. There is also another view of the Tyuonyi Pueblo here. Down below you can see the view as we begin our descent from the Alcove. It is not for the faint at heart!

Climbing to the Alcove

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