The Pool

The Pool

— This clearly is a blast from the past — and a good one! Back in 2007, we visited Rocky Mountain National Park a second time. As with many other national parks, this is one of those beautiful units of the National Park Service. The park setting is breathtaking, and the number of lakes and hikes can keep a visitor busy for several days. After doing a few hikes, we added a new destination we had not previously visited: the Pool. We hiked via the Cub Lake trail (another gorgeous trail) until we got to the the confluence of the Big Thompson River and Fern Creek. The Pool is a series of cascades with intense green and blue waters. The hike itself takes you along some impressive views of the Big Thompson Valley and Big Thompson River. Aspens, lodgepole pines, ponderosa pines, cottonwoods and willows are abundant, and if you go in the spring and early summer, there’ll also be a variety of wildflowers.

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