Bryce Morning

Peek-a-boo trail

— One of the highlights of our visit to Bryce Canyon National Park was a burro ride down the Peek-a-boo Trail. When we arrived to get set-up for the ride, it was 38ºF! Unlike the previous day, when there were some snow flurries, this morning was crisp, clear and dry. There were about 10 riders for this 5-hour unforgettable ride.

If you have ever ridden a burro, you know what to expect. They are stubborn animals who love to hug the outside edge of any trail. At times, I had no other choice but look the other way and pray the burro knew what it was doing. I guess it did since I’ve lived to tell the story. Because of the nature of this ride, I did not have the luxury to carry a tripod and plan my shots. With the movements we were doing, all I could do was take many photos in hopes that a few would turn out salvageable. So, this was a hand-held photo taken while riding my burro. Our guide briefly stopped at this point at the start of the ride for us to appreciate the landscape and magnificent light in the early morning. I wasted no time, and luckily my hands were steady.

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