Exploring the Nuances of a Single Shade


When it comes to monochromes, I am relatively new to exploring the nuances of a single shade, whether it is black and white or a different one. I looked at what I have published here and only found thirteen posts in monochrome. Out of those, eleven were in response to Leanne’s Monochrome Madness challenges. Do I have favorites? Yes.

The opening image is my favorite. I like its negative space and the tension of the branches leaning right as if they were struggling to stay within the frame. I also like the location: a city park. To get this photo, I had to walk around and compose the scene, not including power lines, posts, cars, and roads. It appears I am in the middle of nowhere, but a busy skate park is right behind me.

So, what were my other favorites? I used the following monochrome images, but they were not included in Monochrome Madness.


There is so much I like about this monochrome. First and foremost is the light on the Tetons. Second, the clouds have plenty of drama. Finally, using a monochrome edit on an old photo allowed me to save it from being forgotten in my catalog.

In September 2023, a Lens-Artists challenge was on black-and-white and monochrome. I had several images in that post. Among my favorites were the photos from Big Bend National Park. The open and expansive spaces, the clouds, and the mountains were perfect to add monochromatic drama. One of those images had a selenium tint, giving the photo a cool feel.

Big Bend National Park road
Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive
Selenium monochrome of Cerro Castolon in Big Bend National Park
Cerro Castolon
Goat Mountain

All my monochrome posts are here, including those I posted for Monochrome Madness challenges.

Posted for Leanne’s Monochrome Madness.

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15 Responses

  1. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Beautiful black and whites and monochrome. My favorite is the opener with the lone tree on an almost white background. So beautiful.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Anne. That is also my favorite. I should probably have it printed for my wall.

  2. Vicki
    | Reply

    That first image is my favourite, whether it be monochrome (or colour). I’m a really big fan of minimalism and I applaud your skill in photographing this tree within what is probably a very busy landscape.

    Well done, Egidio.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Vicki. I do need to explore minimalism more. I find it visually appealing.

  3. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    The Tetons, are amazing Egidio, I would love to photograph them. Wonderful images.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Leanne. I’d love to go back to the Tetons. So many places, so little time.

  4. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    These are all great Egidio! I do like your own personal favourite for its simplicity, but I’m also drawn to the drama of the Grand Tetons shot. And the selenium tint on the Cerro Castolon image is very effective 🙂

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for your detailed comments, Sarah. Much appreciated.

  5. Writing to Freedom
    | Reply

    Wonderful images Egidio!

  6. restlessjo
    | Reply

    First and last with a shout out for the sky on the scenic drive. Nice to ring the changes sometimes x

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the compliment and feedback, Jo.

  7. sandyjwhite
    | Reply

    Wonderful monochromes. That highway scene is my favorite.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I like that image, too. Thanks for the feedback, Sandy.

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